One of the magic words to influence the consumer's emotional condition is' Free '. Indeed, 'free' is a word that is a magic power. Who does not want to be a new hand phone for free? Exodus is also the latest! You also want, right? We are likely to want to get something for free. Human being. When I worked as a salesman a few years ago, I usually buy food at the sidewalk vendors. My favorite is the menu; lontong vegetables, gado-gado, or ketoprak. But, all of which must be a float. Tasty, cheap, and especially the filling. Haha. One when I see a banner in front of a stall vendor terpampang ketoprak. In a banner that is written about; "ketoprak Enak Five Thousand Silver - FREE sepuasnya crackers." Great seller ketopraknya ya? I impressed him. He knew that people who love to eat ketoprak bite-bite crackers. So he gave it up crackers. Indeed, he also knows that the fitter ketoprak others will provide additional crackers if the buyer requests it, but do not write on a banner as he. And for me, writing 'Free sepuasnya crackers' was a guarantee that I' can eat crackers as much as I want without fear of any risk of additional charge '. So I remain a customer ketoprak it. That is the role of marketing psychology.
However, of late the word 'free' is not used much genuine. For example, "Free" a camera. But, to get a camera that people should be worth spending four comma five million. In fact, the camera is only about fifty thousand rupiah. In fact, through the internet marketing kind of psychological abuse is much more severe. For example only, some time ago I get an email from a friend. You know, friend virtual world does not always mean that the people you meet, and become acquainted. Email messages that contain the products of books and audio-video from a leading trainer Indonesia that I admire. And you can obtain the 'free'!. Not denied that I need this person who is quick green eyes to read any posts if 'free'. Moreover, the word free is written with all capital letters and bold-bold. Colors as well. Remember, we are discussing human psychology, haha. So, I shall follow the instructions in the email.
It is correct, I find the product suite, which 'seems' akan given it for free. And the word 'free' was mentioned repeatedly. Do not forget, there are also additional bonuses! I turn the eyes, dong .... Advised. Before that, I never get a similar offer - usually from abroad, but, ultimately have the dollar fee I have to pay. That this does not. Moreover, postage is' dibayarin, 'he said. I read once again. And believe me, this beneran. So, I make a decision to click the "Get Instant Access Right Now!" - Its. I only requested to fill the data themselves, and an email address. Easy, huh? After that, I will be know how to get goods for free is good, he said. Correct course, so I click the button 'send', I immediately connected with the 'secret' to get the book and the VCD-VCD. You know how the 'secret' that sounds? Apparently the people who are sending the data itself akan diundi, and winner of the sweepstakes will be the lucky man. Haha, I laugh alone. Bitter laughter, I have. There are other additional information; to increase the opportunities I get a ballot item, I suggested to send the email to as many 'friends' with a link that will be exclusive to calculate my points. The more people who sign up through my link, the more points, and the greater the opportunity to get my book and VCD are free. I laugh again. This time happy laughter. Why do I happy? Because I will make sure that my friends will not get an email from me. Was it because I just so greedy that I have the opportunity win sweepstakes? Neither. Not that. I'm just not sure if my friends will be happy to receive heart treatment that. I'm not sure if my friends happy with iming-iming is free. So, I decided not to send the email to anyone.
Try to note that the two events above. Can you find the difference between the word 'free' is used by carpenters ketoprak pity me that, with the program book and VCD this free? I really respect ketoprak the merchants. He has been using human psychology is elegant. And he has been using the word 'free' with the wise. Truly an art marketing class. And believe me, the fans crackers who want to get it for free will never bite the finger. They will get it exactly as said in the banner. I taught a system of pure values ketoprak by the merchants. A trader and marketer of simple. Naive. Uphold ethics. And dignity.
Oh yes, a few days after I send the data themselves, and an email address that; in my email inbox with the title: "Dadang, you are the winner bla-bla-bla, Congratulations!"
The doctrine of psychology suggest that I open the email. Bunyinya; "Dadang, that's the title of the email you will get if you win undiannya. Immediately send the following link to your friend as much as possible, to increase your winning opportunities. " Haha, I smiled. This time victory smile. Because I know it is no longer memperdayai me. Moreover, if the sweepstakes have, yet I already have one lottery number. Suffice it to memenangkannya. I think so. Did not we need to hang our lives on a ballot?
Oh yes, a few days later, there are emails from the same sender, the title: "Dadang, bla-bla-bla on ABC in 2007." I read at a glance. Then, smiling. This time somehow I smile. But in my heart says; semenarik this training program, with the speaker-speaker sehebat this, marketed this way. Honey. Moreover, this institution is done ... But unfortunately intellectual.
Oh yes, some days there and then again from the same sender, the subject: "Dadang ... .. bla-bla-bla."
Oh yes, the next few days an email from the same sender appear continuously.
Oh yes, a few days later there again: subjectnya, "RE: Dadang You ask about the ABC in 2007." Haha, I laughed again. This time laughing tickled. Because apparently my memory is decreased so dramatically in such a way can not remember, when I ask it to the organizers of the company's training akbar.
Perhaps, that science is like a knife sebilah. We can use it to cut the birthday cake that we share to the people so that their beloved consecutive enjoy our joy. Can also be used to injure and harm them. So also with our ability in understanding the psychology of marketing. Understanding of the emotional-psychological condition of our customers. We can use the wise and ethical as the seller is ketoprak. Or, for the position of others, in a place where we think, we can treat them as our hearts.
New Day!
If we are a marketer, it should remain in the work we uphold ethics. No need to fear the sale of our products to be ugly because of the ethical values that we hold the honorable firm. If sales do not match our expectations, it certainly is not because we respect the ethics, but because there are others who have sought out and treated. Be a marketer elegant; you will not only get the achievement of sales, but also honor.
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