Young Entrepreneur Award 2009 Bisnis Indonesia & Commonwealth Bank

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The daily of Bisnis Indonesia and CommonwealthBank held the Young Entrepreneur Award activity (YEA) the other person, not was the inheritance parents and the grant from the other and prepared person disurvey if being needed।

The Business Ideas
Was category the business that did not yet go (still in the form of business the plan) that was the original work, not results of the copy। Could be followed by the individual and the group with the age limitation 18 – 35 years.

The beginner
Was category the business that has gone but not more than 2 (two) the year. The business was established personally or with the other person, not was the business and the grant of parents's inheritance from the other and prepared person disurvey if being needed.

The Main
Was category the business that has gone minimal 2 (two) the year or more. The business was established personally or with the other person, not was the business and the grant of parents's inheritance from the other and prepared person disurvey if being needed.

The Celebrity
Public category figure in the world entertaint/sport with the maximal age 35 years. Had the business that was drafted personally or to the partner from an other business system and the business that was undertaken by him not parents's inheritance or the grant from the other side.

Immediately registered himself you and sent your application a slowness on June 12 2009

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Bisnis Indonesia


Wisma Bisnis Indonesia Lt.5, Jl. K.H. Mas Mansyur No.12 A, Jakarta 10220

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1 Response to "Young Entrepreneur Award 2009 Bisnis Indonesia & Commonwealth Bank"

  1. anandhi Says:
  2. interesting blog. It would be great if you can provide more details about it. Thanks you.

    Entrepreneur Award

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